How Students Feel About Their School Garden

In Their Words…

I love the school garden and I love to smell the flowers. I love when it's really nice, sunny and warm. My favorite part is when we got to go plant some plants. My friends really have so much fun. I loved when we got to eat from the garden itself. I wish I could be there almost every single minute or hour. I love to see all of the insects like butterflies, moths, and worms. My favorite edible plant in the garden is maybe a tomato. -Abeni, 2nd grader

The garden is a wonderful place and I feel so relaxed. I also love the beautiful green plants in the garden. The garden is very calm and peaceful. My favorite plant is the mint. Yesterday we released ladybugs in the garden. Do you know why? Because ladybugs eat aphids and aphids hurt our garden. So it's important to have ladybugs in our garden. I hope you love the garden as much as I do. - Charlotte, 2nd grader

Every time I go to the garden I look at the strawberries to see if they have grown. I like seeing the flowers and trying new stuff. It's fun to play games and do things in the garden! Once we did an activity where some kids would water the plants and others would make a map of the garden. -Emilia, 2nd grader

My favorite garden animals are ladybugs, bees , butterflies , caterpillars and some helpful insects. I also like to explore the garden and it makes me feel calm and I love going there on sunny days and looking at it on rainy days. - Alex, 2nd grader

I feel happy about the school garden because the garden gives me food. The garden also makes me feel calm. My favorite thing about the garden is bugs they're just so interesting to learn. And I also really like plants. Plants give us food too. Without any plants we would probably be dead because plants breathe in air that we don’t breathe and they breathe out air that we breathe. This is facts about our garden. - Henri, 2nd grader

Garden Poem by Jennie:

I love the school garden. I love The breeze blowing in the trees. I love the flowers blooming. I love the sour sweet and saltiness of the food . In the fall the leaves are full of colors. I love the sight. In the winter the trees seem magical! In Spring the trees are full of fruit. In Summer the leaves are as green as peas. And it really pleases me . I love the adventures we can have. And all the bugs living in the grass. I love watering and caring for the plants. kale and chives, mushrooms too. I love it all don't you ?